Intrigue: Conflict

Conflicts, I'm not sure over what they will be yet, as in why characters would want to engange in conflict, but I have an idea of how they would be resolved.

One character would be the attacker, and another the defender. Relationships belonging to any player could be used to support the attack (as long as they were of the necessary form), although there would likely be some favour trading needed in order to convince another player to support your attack. The winner would be the character that had the most numeric support (based off of the strength of the relationships).

As for the types of conflicts, I am seeing them to be of the persuade, coerce, seduce, and investigate type at the moment. I don't really think killing should be on the table. The point is to be involved in intrigue, which to me doesn't mean violence, but rather words. Although certainly it should be possible to persuade someone to kill someone else...

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